February 06, 2006

What I'm up to

Here's what's going on in my wireless world at the moment.

Firstly, I'm testing improvements to the program called Frottle. I have a WRT54G set up which will eventually be the new router at Melbourne Wireless's Node GHO and I have a test-bed set up of various Linux routers and i386 machines upon which I am testing Frottle.

On the "new" GHO router I am testing OLSR. Testing is more-or-less complete and I have found a crude-but-effective way of gatewaying between OSPF and OLSR - I simply advertise two default routes for the whole Melbourne Wireless supernet into OSPF and OLSR. This will turn Node GHO into a OLSR <-> OSPF gateway. I don't intend this to be a permanent solution - it's not the most efficient way to share routes, but it's a quick and easy way to enable connectivity between OSPF and OLSR worlds. Hopefully people will see that OLSR is much easier to use and will switch over to it in a short period of time.

I'm waiting on the release of the Australian Minitar MNWAPGA Access Point. Minitar, the manufacturer, has openly solicited input from the open-source community on the development of the firmware for this device. When it is released we should have a very nice, very hackable, cheap, small size AP with a half-decent radio. Then the fun will really begin!


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